Speaking Topics and Media Kit 

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Speaking Topics

You Are Already CEO, You Just Need To Start

We are all born being our own CEO.
We just need to take on the job. From the Amazon Best Selling Book, CEO For Life. Robert speaks about the lessons we can all learn in work and life from being a CEO.

The Business Of High Performance

Robert Is a Certified High Performance Coach by the High Performance Institute. He speaks on the topics of Clarity, Energy, Influence, Persuasion, and Productivity. Including Personal Strategic Planning.

Failing To Plan is Worse Than Failing Workshop

We are our own obstacle to success when we don’t plan. Robert teaches an interactive workshop about the importance of taking control of variability in your path to success. Interactive workshop.

High Perfromance Teams

Robert teaches the process of becoming a leader by using a High Perfromance Habits of Clarity, Energy, Productivity, Courage, and Influence.

Real Estate for 2022 and Beyond

Win in any market by being a CEO of your real estate business. A winning Plan to Execute.

Best Selling Amazon Author of

CEO For Life

CEO For Life Speaking

Read the Amazon Best Seller. You are the CEO For Life of Your Life. Gain the insight and build your CEO For Life roadmap inside these pages. Available now on Amazon.


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