Leading Your Team to Success: Understanding the Value/Cost of Organizational Consulting

Jan 11, 2023

Investing in your team is crucial for a business to thrive and meet its goals. But, how much should you invest in your team? The answer is that you should invest enough to ensure that your desired outcomes are met and exceeded. To help guide your investment decisions, here are some Organizational Consulting Activities and their associated fee ranges to consider. (Note: These are averages based on what we see in the market. Fees can vary widely based on team sizes, experience of consultants, fee structures, length of contracts, etc...)

  1. Consulting Day Onsite - Fee Range $5,000-$10,000. This type of service is meant to speed up desired changes in performance or behavior. It may include assessments, coaching or consulting, or skills training for individuals, groups, or organizations. It's important to select a consultant who provides a high level of value, has clear contracts and expected outcomes, and exceeds any promises they make.

  2. Consulting Day Offsite - Fee Range $1,000-$5,000....

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