10 Things That WiIl Define Your Week


Speaker 1: 00:00 Well if you'd like to know 10 things that are going to define your week, hang on, I'm going to go over 10 and it will change your week, I promise. Hang on. Here we go.

Speaker 2: 00:10 Music

Speaker 1: 00:18 Well, hey everybody, it's Robert Barber from the ROYI academy, which stands for the return on you investment where our mission every day is to help you be the best version of you. And just want to let you know what inspired this Vlog blog tonight and I'm, it's Sunday and posted early this morning about what's your Sunday routine? You know, I just wanted to see what some other people out there that are self-employed or professionals or executives or in leadership or even individual contributors. What are they doing on a Sunday in the maybe evening or late afternoon in order to prepare themselves for the week ahead. And had to do some really great discussions, got some good comments on that. And,uand so that's really what drove me to want to do this, which is,uI wanted to share with you the 10 things that I know for sure we'll define the outcome and results of your week and they will be an absolute direct correlation to how successful your week is.

Speaker 1: 01:20 So let's jump right into them so we don't hang out here too long on a, on the Sunday. So the 10 things that will define your week are the first one be on time. Okay. I know it sounds simple, but in our family, we actually run by a rule that if you're on time, if you're early, you're on time. If you're on time, you're late and if you're late then forget it. So it's basically the old adage of if you are early, you're on time. If you're on time, you're late, and if you're late, it's absolutely unacceptable. So be on time this week, be conscious about that because more importantly, what that shows is that you care about the other people's time. So be on time. It's very respectful. Next thing is work ethic. Your work ethic this week will definitely drive your results. Are you time blocking? Are you sticking to your calendar?

Speaker 1: 02:17 Are you being consistent in discipline? Are you allowing distractions to get in the way of the results you want? The amount of work you put in will directly correlate to your results this week. Your work ethic matters. Spend the time, time, block. Follow your calendar, be disciplined. Next thing. Number three, effort, effort and work ethic. Little bit different. Okay. Effort is the amount of effort you're putting in at that moment of time in your work ethic, so it's great to have a calendar. It's great to have time blocking. It's great that you have in some consistency and discipline, but if you're not really putting in the effort and really going after it, it will an impact directly in the equation of your results for this week. Number four, energy. Energy. Just in general means what are you bringing to the world and that's the way I like to think about energy.

Speaker 1: 03:12 It's not just what your energy is in the moment, maybe in that meeting or on that phone call, but it's in general your overall energy that you're bringing to the world, your social relationships, your work relationships, even, you know just even spending time doing a video like this, the amount of energy that you're bringing and putting into the world positively makes a huge difference. I purposely spend at least three phone calls a day calling people that I haven't talked to in awhile, just to give them some positive encouragement and give them some energy. Because you know what that does? It gives me energy right back. So that's an important one. Energy next body language, body language, lesson. You may not be a big talker with your hands or those kinds of things, but your body language tells the whole story without you even having to say a word.

Speaker 1: 04:07 If you're sitting at your desk and you're slumped over and you're just disheveled in your clothes or disheveled, then you know, you're just moping around with your shoulders down and just Kinda moseying through your day. That body language will communicate to the people that you're working with and directly impact your results. So that's the first five, be on time, work ethic, effort, energy, and your body language. All right, number six. Number six is passion. Passion is different than energy and effort. Passion is the amount of focus that you bring to the task at hand. Passion is a direct correlation in link to your focus because if you're not passionate about what you're doing at that moment in time, I guarantee that it will be less than average. It's not going to be the results you want. You've got to bring the passion, which is your focus on that task and whatever it is that you're doing.

Speaker 1: 05:14 If you need to be making copies, guess what? Be the most passionate copy maker you could possibly be and just treat everything in your life with passion and it will make a difference. That's number six. Number seven, go the extra mile. You know, boy, that's, well, that's a biblical principle. I mean that's, that's one that's thousands and thousands of years old is that if you're asked to go a mile, go two, if you're asked to carry 10 stones, carry 20 your ability to go extra for someone makes all the difference in the world. Go the extra mile. This, this week you have an opportunity. Go the extra mile buy a cup of coffee. Help someone do some work that they're having trouble with. Think ahead and be proactive. Go the extra mile. Number eight goes without saying, be prepared. If you're not prepared, if you have a meeting coming up and you're just winging it, trust me.

Speaker 1: 06:14 People know when you're winging it. Just like this here, I prepared for this. I thought about this. I wrote down what my thoughts were. I journaled through them and I went through and I prepared this ahead of time because I wanted to be prepared for you because I have respect for your time. Being prepared is respectful. It's a way that you go into the world and people will perceive you. They know when you're not prepared. Next coachable, be coachable. This is something that has taken me a long time to learn. And I've had people talk to me in the past when I was a bit younger that that I'm not very coachable. And it, it took a long time for me really to understand what that means. And really what it meant for me was I just needed to slow down a little bit and listen to what people are saying.

Speaker 1: 07:02 So my advice to you this week, a direct correlation to your results is spend a little time listening to what people are saying around you and a little less time talking. That's, that's ability to be coachable, okay. To spend some time being coachable. And our last and final number 10, your attitude attitude's everything. I used to have a boss that would when I got into management one of the things we were talking about was hiring and how do we hire the best and that we can and how do we hire the best employees, not only for our team, but help coach other leaders to hire the best. And it always stuck with me what he said. And he said, I will hire for attitude every time over skills because I can teach people skills, but I can't teach attitude. Attitude is so important.

Speaker 1: 07:53 Your attitude on how you go into everything this week will also be a determinant in correlation to your results this week. So running six through 10, passion, go the extra mile, be prepared, be coachable, listen. And last but not least, your overall attitude. So these are the 10 things that will definitely define your week. I hope this was helpful for you. I hope this poured into you a little bit maybe is you're laying in bed right now and you jump on the vlog/blog for ROYI Academy and this a pours into a little bit in, I hope it makes you have a great week. And I hope most of all, it impacts your week, not only for your friends, your family, your associates, your colleagues, your team you know, your own company, whatever it is. I hope these help you. And I always like END everything by telling you that you're loved, because I do believe that everyone needs to hear at least once a day. They're loved, and you're loved by the ROYI Academy, which is the return on you investment where you are going to be the best version of you. All right? Go out and have a great week guys. We'll just keep talking. I'll just keep bringing value and keep giving me that feedback because I love it. We'll talk to you soon. Bye.


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