Why does it still surprise me? A knock at the proverbial door in my heart and mind, "Hello, it's your good old friend, DOUBT. Let me in." After 27 years in the professional world, filled with countless adventures, bold moves, failures (that thankfully didn't result in my demise), experiences, and tangible victories, I still find myself grappling with doubt.
This week, I encountered a hiccup in a project I'm incredibly passionate about. I'd even go so far as to say it feels like a calling in many ways. Everything was unfolding precisely as planned, and then suddenly, it wasn't. My initial reaction was anger, but it wasn't long before doubt came knocking. Questions flooded my mind: "Is this really as groundbreaking as you believe?" "Does the world truly need this?" "Is there genuine value here for the customer?" "What qualifies you as the expert you perceive yourself to be in this domain?"
In the midst of my self-pity pool party, with DOUBT as my unwelcome guest, I had an epiphany. I remembered, "Oh yeah, I've been here before." The presence of doubt signifies growth and indicates that I'm on the right path. The message became clear: KEEP GOING!
In the grand theater of our professional lives, there's an unexpected guest that often sneaks in through the back door: Doubt. And while most of us try to shoo it away like an unwelcome party crasher, I've come to realize that its presence might just be the surprise toastmaster we didn't know we needed.
Isn't it ironic? We chase after confidence like it's the last piece of cake at an office party, yet it's the sneaky slice of doubt that often means we're truly pushing our professional boundaries.
Ever felt like a cat at a dog show? If you're feeling right at home, chances are you're still at home. Doubt is the nudge that says you're venturing into new, exciting territories. Impostor syndrome is like that annoying alarm that goes off just when you're deep in REM sleep. But it's also a sign that you're dreaming big and setting high standards. Realizing how much you don't know can be as daunting as seeing your unread emails after a vacation. But it also means you're in perpetual learning mode.
Opening up about my bouts of impostor syndrome has been like admitting I still have a teddy bear. But guess what? So do many of the high-flyers in the boardroom. Sharing these feelings not only builds deeper connections but also sparks collective growth. Plus, it's way more fun than talking about the weather.
While it's essential not to drown in the sea of self-doubt, a little dip now and then can be refreshing. It keeps our egos in check, our ambitions fired up, and our professional journey interesting. So, the next time you feel like an impostor, take a bow. You're probably doing something right.
Growth isn't just about the standing ovations; it's also about the behind-the-scenes bloopers. Embrace the uncertainty, dance with the doubt, and remember: every time you feel out of place, you're probably in the exact place where growth happens.