Rob: 00:00 Well hang on for the 10 most common questions and inquiries that I get as a business and leadership coach about should I start my own business and obstacles everyone wants to put in their way. So hang on, here we go.
Rob: 00:22 [ROAR] Robert Barber ..I want
Rob: 00:29 to spend a few moments as I mentioned on that front roll part is talked to you about the 10 most common things that people ask me about or the conversations that I have with friends, clients, acquaintances about starting your own business. You know, that fact that I've owned three different businesses now have a corporate background starting my fourth new business and I'm have had some success. Um, at least what I feel is success. And, um, and so I, the these questions are so common. I mean literally I probably could do a hundred talks a year and just know for sure that these are going to be the 10 questions that I know for a fact that I'm going to get. So, uh, hopefully I can answer them for you right up here, up front so we can just get them out of the way. And, uh, there'll be helpful for you.
Rob: 01:10 So the first question I always get is how do I find customers? Rob, you have a phone, don't you? How many people are in your phone? 300 400 how many contacts do you have in there? Those are your customers. You already have them there in your phone. You have them go out, call them those, your customers, that's where you start. Another one. While I'm afraid what others are going to think, guess what? They're already thinking it. Listen, I just sold my interest in the company that I just had a, we had sales transactions last year of 917 million and my in, we're still growing. And my partners looked at me like, what are you doing going to start this new business? And I'm like, it's what I want to do. It's where my passion is. It's where my heart is. I only get one life. I want to do what is going to make me happy.
Rob: 02:05 This, you know, at this point. And so don't be afraid of what others think. Do, do you okay? Just be do that. What if I fail? You're gonna fail. That's it. Just accept it. You're gonna fail. There is no if, ands, or buts about it. You're going to fail. And why is that important? You're going to want to fail because fail is going to make you better. It's going to get you to grow. It's going to get you to step outside. It's going to get you to think differently. It's going to get you to reach out to different resources you may have not before. You are going to fail and point is fail forward. I know you've heard it before. Fail forward. Next one I always get is, well, I can't afford to hire anybody up front. Guess what? Nobody can afford to hire anybody up front.
Rob: 02:51 Okay, it's you. That's where it starts. Don't worry about needing to have a staff of people in this entire floor of all of these people doing all of these things. Listen, you can do plenty through affiliate marketing or friends and family or you know, hiring out on a small contract basis says, maybe you have projects or assignments come up. Don't worry about the hiring people to start. You don't need to hire people to start. You just need to start because you have you. Okay? The other one I get is I don't have any marketing money. Listen, you don't need a marketing budget or marketing money to start. You have the internet. Not only do you have the internet, you have this with a camera and you have all these apps that costs nothing and templates and resources and fiber and all of these things. You don't need a huge marketing budget or even a penny.
Rob: 03:52 You have social media. Just just be. You just get out there and start and go work life balance. Listen, there is no such thing as work life balance. It doesn't exist. You are not going to find work life balance, okay? I'm telling you right now, if you think you're going to find work life balance on a short timeframe, if you want to own your own business or start your own business, those kinds of things, you're not going to find it long enough. Timeline. You may be as you take vacation to do different things and as your business grows, but work life balance up front, not gonna get it. Oh, I love this one. I get this all the time. I don't have time. Guess what? You do have time. You know how many hours are in a full time work year for full time employee?
Rob: 04:37 2080 hours. You know how many hours or within a year? Over 8,000 hours. What are you doing with the 6,000 hours in between? You have time. You have time. All right, I love this. I get this one too. Hey, listen to my idea. This is really great idea. Nobody else is doing what I do. Guess what they are, but you cannot go into this blind there. Plenty of people doing what you think is your genius idea. It's a matter of how well you're going to execute and what you're going to get done and your speed. That's what matters. Don't get lulled into this one. Okay, this is awful. How do I raise money? Okay, how do I raise money? You don't raise money. What you do is you earn money either by having a job that's going to invest in your business or having something of value to immediately begin to sale and generate revenue to immediately reinvest back into your business.
Rob: 05:35 That's what this is about. Year one, you're not gonna make $300,000. That's not the norm. That's not the statistical piece of all of this, okay? So raising money, don't worry about raising money. Earn the money, reinvest into your business. Next one is, well, I need to find some office space. I should have an office right now. You don't need an office. What you need is you need you, you need you to start. No matter where you're at in a basement, in your bedroom, in the living room, uh, in a friends place, Starbucks, Panera bread. It doesn't make a difference. If you have the internet and you have you, you can start. So do it. Don't worry about office space. And the last but not least, this is the one that I loved and I get this one is what if my plan doesn't work? Guess what?
Rob: 06:25 Not going to work. Your plan is not going to work. Not the way that you think it is. You can plan all day long but you cannot account for all of the variables in life, especially when they involve people because you can't account for all of that. Your plan, you should have a plan and you should try to work your plan but also be open to change and variability in your plan and then adjusting to the, the what's in front of you right then and there but always moving forward. So those are the 10 that I wanted to share. I hope they brought you value today. Um, we are and everything by telling you your love because here are the ROI Academy. We believe everyone needs to hear at least once a day. You're loved and you are loved. And uh, those are the 10 I'm going to put them all down below, link it up, love to hear some discussion about, I give me your thoughts. What are some of the ones that I missed? What are some of the ones that you have on your mind? So love to get a lot of discussion about this topic. So, um, I'm going to be reading them, so go for it. I'll respond. Talk to you later. [inaudible].
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