Motivation vs. Discipline
We selected the logo of the Lion for many reasons. In each of our memberships, corporate team development, and one on ones we talk about the WHY of the LION.
Lions are motivated and disciplined is part of it. Each member of the pride has the duty, responsibility, and skill set that betters the pride. That duty, responsibility and skill set is a basis for their motivation and discipline. There is a difference between motivation and discipline. Or is there...... A Super question to explore.
We all want to be motivated. We all want to be disciplined. You might be thinking, “What’s the difference NOW?” But according to many self-help gurus, there are differences. Or are there?
At the beginning of the year, you’re motivated to make some changes. You’re going to find a better job, lose 30 pounds, exercise each day, and read a book each week. You’re so excited at the beginning of the year.
You purchase a gym membership, some new cross training shoes, and join Amazon Prime, because you know you’re going to be ordering a lot of books, and you’ll make good use of that free shipping.
Fast-forward to early March and you realize that you’ve only read two books, haven’t been to the gym in weeks, spent $30 on Amazon prime, $90 on your gym membership, and gained exactly one pound.
You were motivated at the beginning, but you lacked the discipline necessary to carry on when your motivation flagged.
Many believe there are differences between motivation and discipline:
Another Way to Look at It....Here is the fine line......
Discipline and motivation can be almost the same thing, too. Consider that discipline is largely the ability to self-motivate. You wouldn’t make yourself do a task in the first place if there were no benefit to you. You either believe you’re going to receive something enjoyable or avoid something painful.
Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that those people with discipline are actually those people with a high level of skill in the art of self-motivation. Those with the ability to motivate themselves can do the seemingly impossible.
The person that can drag themselves out of bed on a cold, rainy morning to go for a run is someone that is able to focus on their long-term objective. They are good at reminding themselves why they need to put on their shoes and head out the door. They focus on the benefits instead of the misery of getting up and facing cold, wet weather.
Keep the benefits on your behaviors in mind, rather than focusing on the task itself. Learning to motivate yourself is more important than any concepts of discipline, motivation, enthusiasm, and willpower.
If you can motivate yourself, any goal is within reach. Every action you take or avoid is due to some level of motivation or level of discipline.
With a pride of Lions. Life and death matter on both. Now think if your life or death depended on your level of motivation and discipline?