Remote Work Needs More CONNECTION

remote work Feb 28, 2023

Remote work has become increasingly popular in recent years, with the pandemic accelerating the shift to remote work. While remote work offers many benefits, including increased flexibility and autonomy, it also poses unique challenges, such as a lack of connection among team members, managers, and the company. This lack of connection can lead to lower performance, increased turnover, and difficulty in attracting top talent. To address these issues, the CONNECT For Teams workshop and process can help organizations and managers foster deeper connections with their remote work teams, leading to higher performance, reduced turnover, and talent attraction.

The Need for Connection in Remote Work Teams:

Remote work can be isolating, leading to a lack of connection among team members and with the company. A study conducted by Buffer found that 20% of remote workers cited loneliness as their biggest struggle, while another study found that 31% of remote workers felt they lacked communication and connection with their team. This lack of connection can have significant impacts on employee well-being, with 22% of remote workers citing burnout as a major issue.

Traditional Performance Systems and One on One Meetings are Not Enough:

Traditional performance systems and one-on-one meetings may not be sufficient to address the unique challenges faced by remote work teams. These systems often rely on in-person interactions, making it challenging for remote teams to establish meaningful connections. Additionally, one-on-one meetings may focus solely on performance metrics, without addressing the need for connection and engagement.

The Benefits of CONNECT For Teams:

The CONNECT For Teams workshop and process can help remote work teams establish deeper connections with their colleagues, managers, and the company. This workshop involves several initiatives, including team-building activities, communication exercises, and goal setting. The process is designed to help remote teams establish a sense of community, foster trust and collaboration, and align with the company's vision and goals.

The CONNECT For Teams workshop and process can help remote work teams establish deeper connections with their colleagues, managers, and the company, leading to higher performance, reduced turnover, and talent attraction. In a remote work environment, traditional performance systems and one-on-one meetings may not be sufficient to address the unique challenges faced by remote teams. By implementing the CONNECT For Teams process, organizations can foster a sense of community, trust, and collaboration, promoting a positive workplace culture and attracting top talent.


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