Communication is the lifeblood of leadership. It's what separates leadership from dictatorship or leadership styles that are too authoritarian. There are many ways to improve your communication as a leader, but here are three important ones to get you started.
Asking questions instead of telling
Of course it's important for you to tell people what they should do and how they should do it, but real improvement only occurs when people understand why they're doing something, not just how it needs to be done. Often times leaders will give an order or direction with no explanation as to why or under what circumstances the plan was created in the first place. People need context and links with past events if they're going to improve upon them so asking questions rather than telling is a great way to improve communication.
Being open about your own thoughts and feelings
We often think that when we're in meetings or talking with someone, the only thing they care...
Positivity is a choice I make.
I can choose to be negative, or I can choose to be positive. I choose to be positive and see the bright side of things.
Having a positive outlook is a choice I make for myself each day. It is the best choice for me.
There are positives and negatives to all situations. Choosing to see the positive in a situation keeps my spirits high. It puts me in a better position to be effective and to enjoy myself as much as possible. I am a better person when I am optimistic.
There are advantages to everything. I look for those advantages and use them to the best of my ability. Every situation has something to offer if I am willing to look hard enough.
I am determined to make the best of every situation I encounter in my life.
Negativity is exhausting and makes me less resourceful. Negativity drains my energy and conceals the possibilities. Negativity is a poor choice for my life.
I choose to be hopeful, positive, and optimistic.
Today, I maintain a positive...
My business partner of 13 years used to always tell me...a few simple truths....Like, "Rob we are not brain surgeons. Nothing we are going to do will kill someone", "Closings make all problems go away"..are two.
So now here are some more that I hope help you on this day...let's call them the top 10.
Life isn’t as complicated or as scary as you might think. With just a few, simple truths, you can make your life a lot easier, more productive, and more enjoyable.
Most of us are worried about things that don’t matter. If we could see the reality of the situation, we’d worry a lot less.
We’re also making life more challenging than it needs to be.
Change your perspective with these simple truths, and your life will change, too:
1. The Universe doesn’t care. Sometimes it seems like the sun, the moon, and the stars are plotting against you, but it’s simply not true. The universe doesn’t play favorites. It doesn’t care. It’s up to...
Be a Leader, Not a Boss
Being a leader requires a servants heart and mindset. You are there to serve the organization and you team. That means every issues, fire, concern, problem, challenge is yours just as much as it is your teams. At the end of the day the buck stops with you.
At the same time you are to serve that same team for all the wins, milestones, goals met and battles won.
It cracks me up when people say, "well wait till I am the boss or the CEO?" I was that person in my 20s. Then I actually lead people across the nation and then owned my own business for 13 years and starting a new one. The paradigm shift for me was the minute I started serving others, everything came to me and I didn’t chase anything.
The following is a deeper dive and unpacking in more detail, but I hope you just take away…BE A SERVANT FIRST.
Do you consider yourself a leader or a boss? This question doesn’t just apply to the workplace,...
You first need to understand everyone is a leader. Someone is always looking to you as an example. Either an example for destructive behavior or lifting behavior. Thats why at ROYI we believe that the more you invest in you the better chance you will be the positive side of that leadership.
It’s not easy to be a great leader. Leadership requires a unique set of skills and personality traits. Few people are born great leaders, but everyone can maximize their leadership skills and qualities.
Many of us want to be better leaders, but don’t know where to start. There are many great books on leadership skills, but the effectiveness of skills is limited without the proper personality to execute those skills.
Develop these personality traits and be a great leader:
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