Worrying about the future is unavoidable. Sometimes, worrying can help us prepare for what may come.
However, when worry becomes a persistent issue or an uncontrollable habit, it can impair our ability to function as we usually would and make us less happy overall. It also hurts our chances of success, because it prevents us from living in the present moment and focusing on remaining fully present.
On the other hand, living in the moment involves remaining fully aware and focused on what is happening around us at any given time. It also includes feeling mentally strong enough to drive the present moment.
Living in the moment means we have little to no concern about the future, nor do we worry about the past. We just stay highly concentrated on the present.
That is a great art and challenging practice, but it results in a happier, more rewarding, and fulfilling life.
Many people know how important it is to live in the moment. They may even talk about how to do so.
How can you stop...
It's a bad day. You know the kind: no matter how hard you try, nothing seems to work out the way you want. Yes, we've all been there, and we know how it feels.
There are many things large and small that we can't control, but there are ways to make peace with even the worst turn of events.
The first step is to change how you think—see things as they are, not as you want them. When you're in a funk, try to focus on the things that are going well: your family, health, career.
The chances are that what's going wrong won't matter as much as we think.
The second step is to change your attitude. Tilt the scales in favor of what you can control, such as what you think and speak. Begin by taking a step back and looking at things objectively. Take a deep breath and count to ten. Then ask yourself what you can do to make things better—and then do it.
What else can you do to turn a bad day around and recover?
Consider these tips:
1. Clarify the issue. The feeling a bad day offers...
Now that the vaccine has arrived on scene, the conversation is moving. Moving toward what I believe are just as serious impacts as the virus itself. The virus of mental health and strength. I have been focusing on this talk with all my clients. What are they doing to keep their mental health at a high level? So thought to share some ideas. Let's start with the topic of Clarity.
Ability to think clearly and accurately will never be overrated. Many of us walk around distracted or practically in a daze. This can be due to a variety of factors, including poor diet, a lack of sleep, or even a lack of understanding ourselves and our values.
We live lives full of distractions that vie for our attention. Being more clear-headed can increase the level of success you enjoy and your overall sense of wellbeing.
Try these tips to enjoy greater mental clarity:
1. Start with your diet. Caffeine, sugar, and all the chemicals found in processed foods can work against mental clarity. No one likes to...
How to Easily Expand Your Comfort Zone
I was 25 with my first panic/Anxiety attack. best thing that ever happened to me. And please know that I KNOW that is not everyone's experience. I just happen to be 48 now and been through three major confrontations with it. What I learned is that moving out of my comfort zone as much as possible helps me be stronger.
Just like going to the gym. The more I exercise the lack of comfort the more I can lift against it and work with it at the same time. Now this is just me talking. I am not qualified in anyway as a counselor or expert other than I live with it...that is Living outside my comfort zone.
What if I told you I'd give you $1,000 to make an important public speech? Would you take the offer? Like most of us, you probably recoiled immediately at the idea, even though it could be lucrative for you! Why didn’t this idea appeal to you?
When the very thought of certain activities evokes fear or anxiety within you, it's because...
Stop Worry in 7 Steps
Being a high performer means facing stress and therefore worry. I have clinically been treated for anxiety three times since I was 25. That is within 23 years. Each time it has been different and for different reasons, the anxiety bug raises it head. Worry can be paralyzing. And what I have learned from my time with my friend anxiety is that I must exercise antianxiety everyday. Not just when it happens. For me that starts with Gratitude. Gratitude gives me a foundation to work from each day. Below are some other steps to combat worry.
Think about how much time you spend worrying each day. Has any of that worrying
ever accomplished anything positive in your life?
Imagine what you could do with all of that time and energy. Imagine how much happier and comfortable you would be if you could minimize amount of time you spend worrying each day. Worrying is a habit that we believe is helpful in some way, but its easy to see that worrying only has a negative...
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