7 Simple Tips to Develop Greater Mental Clarity

Dec 15, 2020

Now that the vaccine has arrived on scene, the conversation is moving. Moving toward what I believe are just as serious impacts as the virus itself. The virus of mental health and strength. I have been focusing on this talk with all my clients. What are they doing to keep their mental health at a high level? So thought to share some ideas. Let's start with the topic of Clarity.

Ability to think clearly and accurately will never be overrated. Many of us walk around distracted or practically in a daze. This can be due to a variety of factors, including poor diet, a lack of sleep, or even a lack of understanding ourselves and our values.

We live lives full of distractions that vie for our attention. Being more clear-headed can increase the level of success you enjoy and your overall sense of wellbeing.

Try these tips to enjoy greater mental clarity:

1. Start with your diet. Caffeine, sugar, and all the chemicals found in processed foods can work against mental clarity. No one likes to...

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Day #5 Public Speaking Challenge - I Dare You

Sep 14, 2019

This series of 5 videos will mean absolutely nothing without you taking action.

Welcome to day #5 of the public speaking challenge. Wow, you made it! Congratulations!

Today we’re going to be talking about actually going public.


It’s one thing to know about confronting your fears, varying your speed and tone, going off script, and eliminating garbage words.

All those things are crucial to your public speaking success.

But here’s the deal: this knowledge won’t help you improve unless you actually PRACTICE.

You’ll only get good at public speaking if you ACTUALLY do some public speaking.

Yes, this is scary. Yes, it’s intimidating. But it’s essential.

That’s why the final day of this challenge is about actually going PUBLIC.

Thankfully, you don’t have to stand up in front of thousands of people to get practice. There are lots of simple ways to get practice.

But practice does make perfect.


I’m going to...

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Sep 13, 2019


I will admit right upfront, this is still my number one weakness. I am aware of it,. but do not let it hinder me from getting in front of people to talk and communicate what I care about. Which is investing in you and others my life education and experience.

Today we’re going to be discussing the important subject of eliminating garbage and filler words from your speech.


My guess is that when you practiced going off script yesterday, you ended up using a LOT of filler words like

  • “Ummm”

  • “You know”

  • “Like”

  • “Basically”

  • “Kind of”

This is understandable. After all, it’s HARD to speak without a script.

But here’s the thing: filler words can be REALLY distracting for the audience.

On top of that, they make you seem unprofessional and amateurish. Those who don’t use filler words seem smooth, polished, and like they KNOW what they’re talking about.

If you...

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Discover The Power of Taking Chances

Aug 27, 2019

Have you ever been faced with a life question, of "Do I Go ALL IN?' If not then start looking for those chances. 

One of the best ways to make positive changes to your life is to take more risks. Life is more exciting and rewarding when you’re willing to put yourself out there and take a few chances. Plus, successful people take more risks than unsuccessful people.

With a little practice, you’ll find that taking a chance or two adds immeasurably to your life.

Consider these benefits of taking a chance and reap the power it gives you:

1. Taking chances enables you to move beyond your comfort zone. Nothing ever changes if you don’t do something new. It’s not easy to force yourself to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable, but it’s necessary if you want to experience growth in your life. Imagine the new adventures you can have!

2. Taking chances gives you power over yourself. Most people are risk-averse. It’s not in our genetic...

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Episode 4 Remember it's NOT about YOU Key to Success with Dr. Erin Oksol

Jun 27, 2019

Had the opportunity to talk with Dr Erin who is a Psychologist, Business Coach, and a person who knows what it is to live and willing to share it to help others. She is a Rockstar. Check out this episode. You will get Love, Joy, Struggle, Belief, Grow...all of it. Connect with her at https://thepsychologyofmission.com/ab...


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Be The Best Version Of You Have you ever considered that you are a CEO? Yes, hear me. Did you know you are a CEO in the position you are or pursuing? Let that sink in. You are the CEO of your life. Own that. Now be the Highest Performer in that. Our clients are Start-ups and Corporation executives, Employee groups, People in transition in their life, NonProfits, and Entrepreneurs. That is our focus and expertise. Our single vision it...

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