Recently been speaking with a few start up founders in my course of coaching executives and Founders. I love being around Founders because the are usually very clear about what they are tackling in the world.
My go to question when meeting Founders, "How many Start Ups have you lead before?". For almost all, the response is "My first". The conversation usually starts off with all the positive aspects of being a Founder. The go after your dreams mentality, the change the world mantras, and how their team is the best and will outwork everyone.
I then turn the conversation and ask, "What is not working?" The pause follows the question. The response tends to be...Well, the product is not working just like we thought, it is taking way longer than we modeled, customers are not responding the way we planned, money is going fast, hard to find the right team, and feeling burned at both ends. All wrapped in the feeling of Doubt. These are the things we should expect when you...
Starting a new business, this can actually be a huge burden, the comparison game. Instead of being focused on your goals and your efforts you are comparing yourself to the competition or others. Well, you are NOT others. You are you. Yes there are successful plans you can emulate, but not at the risk of you not being you and putting that ingredient into your success. When I started my coaching academy, I researched a ton of academies, online offerings, coaches, and speakers. I still follow a few I respect. But once I was done with that initial comparison and research, I set out to be and create what I was passion about and fit me.
Comparing yourself to others is a reliable way to reduce your confidence, motivation, and self-esteem. It must be natural to make these types of comparisons, because nearly everyone does it. However, that doesn’t mean it’s a good move.
If you want to become the best possible you, avoid comparing yourself to others.
The Dangers
There are several...
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