This series of 5 videos will mean absolutely nothing without you taking action.
Welcome to day #5 of the public speaking challenge. Wow, you made it! Congratulations!
Today we’re going to be talking about actually going public.
It’s one thing to know about confronting your fears, varying your speed and tone, going off script, and eliminating garbage words.
All those things are crucial to your public speaking success.
But here’s the deal: this knowledge won’t help you improve unless you actually PRACTICE.
You’ll only get good at public speaking if you ACTUALLY do some public speaking.
Yes, this is scary. Yes, it’s intimidating. But it’s essential.
That’s why the final day of this challenge is about actually going PUBLIC.
Thankfully, you don’t have to stand up in front of thousands of people to get practice. There are lots of simple ways to get practice.
But practice does make perfect.
I’m going to...
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