The pandemic that has engulfed the globe is unprecedented. It has taken the lives of thousands of people and severely affected many more. There is also a heavy burden on the global economy.
The current issues bring to light the importance of great leaders. However, instead of panicking, it’s important for leaders to think and consider the long-term. They can take advantage of this moment to rally together.
How can you lead with impact at this critical time? Consider these tips:
1. Lead by your example. It's essential to be a good listener and role model because your employees want to follow your actions. Your rank-and-file employees watch what you do, how you act, and how you react. If you lead with conviction, they are more likely to follow you.
Remember that good leaders model good behavior. You set a strong example for your fellow employees by leading with conviction.
You may not know how powerful your example is to those under your leadership during difficult times. But...
How to Handle Life's Most Common Frustrations
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Life can feel like one frustration after another. Most of the frustrations you deal with are dealt with by everyone. Being human is largely a universal experience, so there are plenty of ideas floating around about how to deal with the frustrations that frequently appear in life.
While all frustrations can’t be completely eliminated, they can be greatly minimized.
Consider these common frustrations:
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