Positivity is a choice I make.
I can choose to be negative, or I can choose to be positive. I choose to be positive and see the bright side of things.
Having a positive outlook is a choice I make for myself each day. It is the best choice for me.
There are positives and negatives to all situations. Choosing to see the positive in a situation keeps my spirits high. It puts me in a better position to be effective and to enjoy myself as much as possible. I am a better person when I am optimistic.
There are advantages to everything. I look for those advantages and use them to the best of my ability. Every situation has something to offer if I am willing to look hard enough.
I am determined to make the best of every situation I encounter in my life.
Negativity is exhausting and makes me less resourceful. Negativity drains my energy and conceals the possibilities. Negativity is a poor choice for my life.
I choose to be hopeful, positive, and optimistic.
Today, I maintain a positive...
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