How to Deal With Self-Sabotaging Beliefs

Aug 08, 2022


No matter if you are in a leader position of individual contributor, you will and have dealt with self sabotage;. From my experience working with top executives. middle management, new leaders, and teams individuals for years, sabotage has to do with a general fear of failing. It may sound counter, but we self sabotage because we are afraid of failing. Yes we set ourselves up for failure even though that is not the outcome we want. Why? Because we would rather be our own demise. Be in control of our failure. 

Self-sabotaging beliefs are insidious thoughts that tell you that you’re not good enough, can’t do it, or are not worthy of success. They can manifest themselves in various ways, such as procrastination, self-doubt, and perfectionism.

In this article, we’ll explore what self-sabotaging beliefs are, how to identify them in yourself, and how to deal with them when they pop up. We’ll also look at some prevention techniques so that these beliefs...

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