A Leaderā€™s Guide to Not Sucking At Meaningful Recognition

Oct 04, 2022

Remote work, Productivity Paranoia, Quiet Quitting, Quiet Firing...A lot of new terms are being tossed around in the world of leadership. While it is important to remain on top of trends, the blocking and tackling of the leadership is true and will remain true. Recognition being one of those truths.

As a leader, you may wonder where employee recognition belongs on your list of priorities. It turns out that it may be even more important than you think. According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 79% of employees say recognition makes them work harder.

Unfortunately, much of that potential may be going to waste. A Gallup poll found that only one in three workers in the U.S. say they recently received recognition or praise for doing good work,

Letting employees know that they make a difference is an essential part of leadership. Study this quick guide to creating a strong culture of recognition.

Benefits of Employee Recognition Programs:

1. Reduce turnover. Revolving...

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Leadership Skills: Are you about to scream? How to Manage Through Dissent and Disobedience

Sep 12, 2022

Are you about ready to scream at the top of your lungs about team members that are wonderful "push backers"? But it has gotten out of hand. Lets talk.

Unless you’re a low-key despot, chances are that you don’t enjoy telling others what to do or reprimanding them. You probably don’t like being called out yourself and you might even question your right to tell anyone else what they’re doing wrong.

Kudos to you if you feel that way! You have what it takes to be a good leader! It’s the power-mad despots that make for terrible leaders and who eventually tend to come unglued.

But while it’s not a good thing to take pleasure in enforcing your will, it’s also not useful to bury your head and pretend that everyone can just get along nicely. That’s not how the world works, unfortunately.

The truth of the matter is that authority invites challenge. When you place yourself in a position of authority, others will be naturally encouraged to...

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How to Give Negative Feedback in a Positive Way

Aug 25, 2022

We all have that manager or leader that just stinks at giving negative feedback or waits until the yearly performance review to give it all at once. We train leaders to be giving constant feedback as a habit and culture within their team and company. The more it is given it just becomes feedback and not negative or positive as a label. With that in mind, there is still a way to posture and communicate well negative feedback. 

Negative feedback – it’s never something you look forward to giving as a leader.
However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it. Although it’s difficult to say negative things about your employees’ work, it’s worth remembering that your staff can only thrive if you give them direction.

Negative feedback is a method of giving your team members the tools they need to improve and get better at their jobs.

According to one study, 83% of employees say they appreciate both positive and negative feedback.

So, how do you...

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How to Deal With Self-Sabotaging Beliefs

Aug 08, 2022


No matter if you are in a leader position of individual contributor, you will and have dealt with self sabotage;. From my experience working with top executives. middle management, new leaders, and teams individuals for years, sabotage has to do with a general fear of failing. It may sound counter, but we self sabotage because we are afraid of failing. Yes we set ourselves up for failure even though that is not the outcome we want. Why? Because we would rather be our own demise. Be in control of our failure. 

Self-sabotaging beliefs are insidious thoughts that tell you that you’re not good enough, can’t do it, or are not worthy of success. They can manifest themselves in various ways, such as procrastination, self-doubt, and perfectionism.

In this article, we’ll explore what self-sabotaging beliefs are, how to identify them in yourself, and how to deal with them when they pop up. We’ll also look at some prevention techniques so that these beliefs...

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8 Reasons Why Getting Started is So Critical

Apr 13, 2022

Did you ever have dreams of a project that you really wanted to do, but you just never got around to it?

For example, what if you always wanted to write a book? But then life always got in the way and you kept putting it off and putting it off and putting it off again. Every time you thought about it, you found a reason not to get started on it.

How might your life be different now if you had just taken action - taken that first step - gotten started on your masterpiece?

Do you see something familiar in projects you always wanted to do? Even with the best plans, nothing happens until you actually get started!

Consider these reasons why being able to get started is a critical life skill:

1. Nothing actually happens until you get started. All the planning, scheming, and visualizing in the world won’t move the needle. At some point, you have to start doing something that will actually produce results. You don’t receive any results until you finally take action and begin.


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5 Ways to Tell You're Headed in the Right Direction in Life

Apr 11, 2022

People tend to wonder if their life is headed in the right direction when things aren't going well for them. That presupposes that people enjoy a sense of ease when life goes well for them. They don't feel the need to question their life when things are going well.

They flow with events and don't hesitate because things work.

A life without direction is like a ship without a rudder. If rudderless ships can go in circles, then who's to say people won't follow the same journey?

But whether you're steering a little or a lot in life, some key indicators tell you without a doubt that you have the right direction.

How can you tell your life is in the right direction? Here are five signs:

1. Things fall in place for you. When you're going in the right direction, it seems as if the universe is sending you everything you need to get to your destination.

People come into your life at just the right moment, opportunities come your way, and you get accepted to programs or schools that you...

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Episode 4 Remember it's NOT about YOU Key to Success with Dr. Erin Oksol

Jun 27, 2019

Had the opportunity to talk with Dr Erin who is a Psychologist, Business Coach, and a person who knows what it is to live and willing to share it to help others. She is a Rockstar. Check out this episode. You will get Love, Joy, Struggle, Belief, Grow...all of it. Connect with her at https://thepsychologyofmission.com/ab...


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Be The Best Version Of You Have you ever considered that you are a CEO? Yes, hear me. Did you know you are a CEO in the position you are or pursuing? Let that sink in. You are the CEO of your life. Own that. Now be the Highest Performer in that. Our clients are Start-ups and Corporation executives, Employee groups, People in transition in their life, NonProfits, and Entrepreneurs. That is our focus and expertise. Our single vision it...

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