How to Answer Interview Questions About Handling Stress

Jul 29, 2022

How to Answer Interview Questions About Handling Stress

Unless you have been on many many interviews, they can be stressful. I love going on interviews. I find it fascinating how managers select talent and what they find important to ask. 

Whether you want to be an air traffic controller or a gardener, you’ll probably run into interview questions about how you handle stress. It’s an important issue for just about any workplace.

Almost 60% of U.S. workers report feeling stressed on a daily basis, according to Gallup’s latest State of the Global Workplace survey. An alarming 14% say it’s gotten so bad they want to hit their coworkers.

Naturally, employers are concerned about this situation. Hiring managers may ask you about how you juggle demanding workloads and unhappy customers. They may even try to find out what’s going on in your personal life and how that could affect your behavior.

You’ll probably make a more favorable impression if you...

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