Show Me Your Calendar and I Can Predict Your Bank Account

Jul 19, 2023

I love and I mean LOVE leading live workshops, especially when I get to shake things up with new and thought-provoking ideas. One such idea I introduce in a specific section of one of my workshops, "Show me your calendar and I can predict your bank account." This often elicits surprise, skepticism, and curiosity. Especially, in a corporate environment. In a recent workshop, a participant challenged this idea, and I asked if they would be willing to display their calendar for everyone to see. They hesitated, possibly feeling somewhat embarrassed. This is a common response, and to make a point, I'll generalize here. I suspect that most professionals would feel somewhat uncomfortable sharing their calendar with their peers, mainly because it may not be organized, prioritized, or designed effectively. In my experience, most calendars are merely filled with accepted invitations, indicating that someone else is dictating how they allocate their time. As an experienced leadership...

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The "P" Word Is Not That Bad: The Power In Procrastination

Jun 29, 2023

Picture this. My business partner and I—a classic case of fire and ice in some ways, but complimentary. For 11 rollicking years, we were the yin and yang of our venture, which I might modestly add, drummed up hundreds of millions in transactions and kept a 225-strong team buzzing. I was your textbook Type-A, go-getter. He, on the other hand, was as Zen-like as they come.

Here's a fun fact: his voicemail inbox was the stuff of legends. You see, he'd let it fill up—every. single. time. The result? A non-stop carnival of calls aimed at me from people trying to track him down. So, one day, in a fit of mild exasperation (okay, maybe not so mild), I confronted him about this peculiar habit. His response was dipped in typical Zen-style wisdom. He calmly stated, "99% of problems can be solved with just a little bit of time, usually by the person facing the problem themselves."

That hit me. What I had initially written off as procrastination was actually something far more...

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The ROI on Employee CONNECTION

Apr 20, 2023

Let's talk about the ROI of Employee Connection 

A vital component of a successful organization. It refers to the sense of belonging, value, and well-being that employees experience in the workplace, resulting in a feeling of fulfillment and a sense of purpose. Think about your favorite job or hobby; it probably made you feel connected and motivated to do your best.


Employee connection is a top priority for executives worldwide. Unfortunately, only about 30% of employees feel connected in their work, meaning that 70% are not maximizing their potential. While it's normal to disconnect sometimes, being disconnected for long periods can lead to distractions and even unhappiness.

As a leadership development consulting firm, we know that disconnected employees can negatively impact an organization's financial bottom line. Suppose we consider the average annual salary in the US, which is about $55,000. In that case, an average employee generates around three times their...

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