Positivity Is A Choice I Make

Aug 14, 2019

Positivity is a choice I make.

I can choose to be negative, or I can choose to be positive. I choose to be positive and see the bright side of things.

Having a positive outlook is a choice I make for myself each day. It is the best choice for me.

There are positives and negatives to all situations. Choosing to see the positive in a situation keeps my spirits high. It puts me in a better position to be effective and to enjoy myself as much as possible. I am a better person when I am optimistic.

There are advantages to everything. I look for those advantages and use them to the best of my ability. Every situation has something to offer if I am willing to look hard enough.

I am determined to make the best of every situation I encounter in my life.

Negativity is exhausting and makes me less resourceful. Negativity drains my energy and conceals the possibilities. Negativity is a poor choice for my life.

I choose to be hopeful, positive, and optimistic.

Today, I maintain a positive...

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Top 10 Personality Traits of Great Leaders

Jun 26, 2019

You first need to understand everyone is a leader. Someone is always looking to you as an example. Either an example for destructive behavior or lifting behavior. Thats why at ROYI we believe that the more you invest in you the better chance you will be the positive side of that leadership.

It’s not easy to be a great leader. Leadership requires a unique set of skills and personality traits. Few people are born great leaders, but everyone can maximize their leadership skills and qualities.

Many of us want to be better leaders, but don’t know where to start. There are many great books on leadership skills, but the effectiveness of skills is limited without the proper personality to execute those skills.

Develop these personality traits and be a great leader:

  1. Boldness. Being a great leader takes guts. As a leader, it’s your responsibility to shoulder the blame for bad decisions and results. You need to set the course for your people. You’ll get most of the...
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