Are Your Scared?

Aug 15, 2019
Don't be scared. Actually, be filled with joy. You are at the start. Reading More Made Easy.
Full transparency. I used to sit and look at my mom reading every night and was like, "NOT FOR ME". I had a new VHS rental from Blockbuster. Yes, I dated myself. Then at some point I started feeling good after and during reading. Felt like I was growing and it became fun. Like working out in the gym, but for my head and heart. 
Half of American adults read less than 5 books in the past year, according to the Pew Research Center. When it comes to literature, consumption has fallen to a 30 year low. The National Endowment for the Arts says only 43% of adults read even a single novel, story, poem, or play in 2015.
Maybe you want to read more, but one thing or another keeps getting in the way. If you're going to boost your record, it's important to do more than wait around for vacations or sick days to catch up.
Try following this recipe for...
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Regret is Knocking - Start Living Your Dream Today

Jul 27, 2019

I really was thinking about you today. As I was unpacking boxes from our move from Florida to Tennessee, I had this thought that every item I was pulling out was a piece of dreams being fulfilled. Then my heart hurt for a moment thinking about everyone that is right now, not living their dream. That regret is filling their life. I put down the box and had to put this together. I implore you don't let Monday come without you having written out your dream and shared it with someone else. Now...lets unpack how to do that...

Why are you in a holding mode? People everywhere seem to be waiting for something to happen before they can begin living their dream. This is a mistake. Now is the time to begin making things happen.

You might be short on time or money, but there are still things you can do to get started. Let today be the day you start to make your dreams come true!

Use these tips to begin living your dream:

  1. Realize that life gets shorter each day. It’s easy to believe that...
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