Time to Get Personal In The Workplace

Dec 08, 2022

Workplace personalization is a growing trend in the modern business world, with companies recognizing the value of tailoring work experiences and environments to the individual preferences, needs, and goals of employees. This approach to work offers a number of benefits, including increased employee engagement, satisfaction, and performance.

Personalization in the workplace can take many forms, from providing customized training and development opportunities to offering flexible work arrangements and personalized feedback and support. By taking the time to understand each employee’s unique needs and goals, organizations can create work environments that are more engaging and rewarding for employees.

One of the key benefits of workplace personalization is increased employee engagement. When employees feel that their work is aligned with their personal goals and interests, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their tasks. This can lead to higher levels of...

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How to Give Negative Feedback in a Positive Way

Aug 25, 2022

We all have that manager or leader that just stinks at giving negative feedback or waits until the yearly performance review to give it all at once. We train leaders to be giving constant feedback as a habit and culture within their team and company. The more it is given it just becomes feedback and not negative or positive as a label. With that in mind, there is still a way to posture and communicate well negative feedback. 

Negative feedback – it’s never something you look forward to giving as a leader.
However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it. Although it’s difficult to say negative things about your employees’ work, it’s worth remembering that your staff can only thrive if you give them direction.

Negative feedback is a method of giving your team members the tools they need to improve and get better at their jobs.

According to one study, 83% of employees say they appreciate both positive and negative feedback.

So, how do you...

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How to Deal With Self-Sabotaging Beliefs

Aug 08, 2022


No matter if you are in a leader position of individual contributor, you will and have dealt with self sabotage;. From my experience working with top executives. middle management, new leaders, and teams individuals for years, sabotage has to do with a general fear of failing. It may sound counter, but we self sabotage because we are afraid of failing. Yes we set ourselves up for failure even though that is not the outcome we want. Why? Because we would rather be our own demise. Be in control of our failure. 

Self-sabotaging beliefs are insidious thoughts that tell you that you’re not good enough, can’t do it, or are not worthy of success. They can manifest themselves in various ways, such as procrastination, self-doubt, and perfectionism.

In this article, we’ll explore what self-sabotaging beliefs are, how to identify them in yourself, and how to deal with them when they pop up. We’ll also look at some prevention techniques so that these beliefs...

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5 Principles to Lead With Impact

May 10, 2022

The pandemic that has engulfed the globe is unprecedented. It has taken the lives of thousands of people and severely affected many more. There is also a heavy burden on the global economy.

The current issues bring to light the importance of great leaders. However, instead of panicking, it’s important for leaders to think and consider the long-term. They can take advantage of this moment to rally together.

How can you lead with impact at this critical time? Consider these tips:

1. Lead by your example. It's essential to be a good listener and role model because your employees want to follow your actions. Your rank-and-file employees watch what you do, how you act, and how you react. If you lead with conviction, they are more likely to follow you.

Remember that good leaders model good behavior. You set a strong example for your fellow employees by leading with conviction.

You may not know how powerful your example is to those under your leadership during difficult times. But...

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How to Stop Worrying About the Future and Live in the Present Moment

Apr 14, 2022

Worrying about the future is unavoidable. Sometimes, worrying can help us prepare for what may come.

However, when worry becomes a persistent issue or an uncontrollable habit, it can impair our ability to function as we usually would and make us less happy overall. It also hurts our chances of success, because it prevents us from living in the present moment and focusing on remaining fully present.

On the other hand, living in the moment involves remaining fully aware and focused on what is happening around us at any given time. It also includes feeling mentally strong enough to drive the present moment.

Living in the moment means we have little to no concern about the future, nor do we worry about the past. We just stay highly concentrated on the present.

That is a great art and challenging practice, but it results in a happier, more rewarding, and fulfilling life.

Many people know how important it is to live in the moment. They may even talk about how to do so.

How can you stop...

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7 Simple Tips to Develop Greater Mental Clarity

Dec 15, 2020

Now that the vaccine has arrived on scene, the conversation is moving. Moving toward what I believe are just as serious impacts as the virus itself. The virus of mental health and strength. I have been focusing on this talk with all my clients. What are they doing to keep their mental health at a high level? So thought to share some ideas. Let's start with the topic of Clarity.

Ability to think clearly and accurately will never be overrated. Many of us walk around distracted or practically in a daze. This can be due to a variety of factors, including poor diet, a lack of sleep, or even a lack of understanding ourselves and our values.

We live lives full of distractions that vie for our attention. Being more clear-headed can increase the level of success you enjoy and your overall sense of wellbeing.

Try these tips to enjoy greater mental clarity:

1. Start with your diet. Caffeine, sugar, and all the chemicals found in processed foods can work against mental clarity. No one likes to...

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10 Things That WiIl Define Your Week

Sep 15, 2019

Speaker 1: 00:00 Well if you'd like to know 10 things that are going to define your week, hang on, I'm going to go over 10 and it will change your week, I promise. Hang on. Here we go.

Speaker 2: 00:10 Music

Speaker 1: 00:18 Well, hey everybody, it's Robert Barber from the ROYI academy, which stands for the return on you investment where our mission every day is to help you be the best version of you. And just want to let you know what inspired this Vlog blog tonight and I'm, it's Sunday and posted early this morning about what's your Sunday routine? You know, I just wanted to see what some other people out there that are self-employed or professionals or executives or in leadership or even individual contributors. What are they doing on a Sunday in the maybe evening or late afternoon in order to prepare themselves for the week ahead. And had to do some really great discussions, got some good comments on that. And,uand so that's really what drove me to want to do this, which is,uI...

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