Speaker 1: 00:00 Well if you'd like to know 10 things that are going to define your week, hang on, I'm going to go over 10 and it will change your week, I promise. Hang on. Here we go.
Speaker 2: 00:10 Music
Speaker 1: 00:18 Well, hey everybody, it's Robert Barber from the ROYI academy, which stands for the return on you investment where our mission every day is to help you be the best version of you. And just want to let you know what inspired this Vlog blog tonight and I'm, it's Sunday and posted early this morning about what's your Sunday routine? You know, I just wanted to see what some other people out there that are self-employed or professionals or executives or in leadership or even individual contributors. What are they doing on a Sunday in the maybe evening or late afternoon in order to prepare themselves for the week ahead. And had to do some really great discussions, got some good comments on that. And,uand so that's really what drove me to want to do this, which is,uI...
How to Easily Expand Your Comfort Zone
I was 25 with my first panic/Anxiety attack. best thing that ever happened to me. And please know that I KNOW that is not everyone's experience. I just happen to be 48 now and been through three major confrontations with it. What I learned is that moving out of my comfort zone as much as possible helps me be stronger.
Just like going to the gym. The more I exercise the lack of comfort the more I can lift against it and work with it at the same time. Now this is just me talking. I am not qualified in anyway as a counselor or expert other than I live with it...that is Living outside my comfort zone.
What if I told you I'd give you $1,000 to make an important public speech? Would you take the offer? Like most of us, you probably recoiled immediately at the idea, even though it could be lucrative for you! Why didn’t this idea appeal to you?
When the very thought of certain activities evokes fear or anxiety within you, it's because...
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