Become Unforgettable in With These 5

May 17, 2023

As a leadership development professional, I've discovered a few "laws of physics" when it comes to making memorable connections quickly. These laws are as steadfast as gravity and just as invisible until you start to see their effects in action.

Let's dive in, shall we?

1. The Law of STOP TRYING

Be genuine is so over used. Be real is also overused. Just stop trying. It sounds cliché, but it's surprising how many people don a mask when they meet someone new. Research shows that positive connections often arise from small, familiar gestures, sensations, or words that become linked to patterns of positive connection in our feelings and thoughts about ourselves, others, or life in general1. When we stop trying, we're more likely to create these meaningful, positive connections. 

2. The Law of Vacuum Chamber

Pay attention to the small things. I imagine when I am meeting someone new that I am in a vacuum chamber with them and the door closes sucking out all...

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