Are Your Scared?

Aug 15, 2019
Don't be scared. Actually, be filled with joy. You are at the start. Reading More Made Easy.
Full transparency. I used to sit and look at my mom reading every night and was like, "NOT FOR ME". I had a new VHS rental from Blockbuster. Yes, I dated myself. Then at some point I started feeling good after and during reading. Felt like I was growing and it became fun. Like working out in the gym, but for my head and heart. 
Half of American adults read less than 5 books in the past year, according to the Pew Research Center. When it comes to literature, consumption has fallen to a 30 year low. The National Endowment for the Arts says only 43% of adults read even a single novel, story, poem, or play in 2015.
Maybe you want to read more, but one thing or another keeps getting in the way. If you're going to boost your record, it's important to do more than wait around for vacations or sick days to catch up.
Try following this recipe for...
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Positivity Is A Choice I Make

Aug 14, 2019

Positivity is a choice I make.

I can choose to be negative, or I can choose to be positive. I choose to be positive and see the bright side of things.

Having a positive outlook is a choice I make for myself each day. It is the best choice for me.

There are positives and negatives to all situations. Choosing to see the positive in a situation keeps my spirits high. It puts me in a better position to be effective and to enjoy myself as much as possible. I am a better person when I am optimistic.

There are advantages to everything. I look for those advantages and use them to the best of my ability. Every situation has something to offer if I am willing to look hard enough.

I am determined to make the best of every situation I encounter in my life.

Negativity is exhausting and makes me less resourceful. Negativity drains my energy and conceals the possibilities. Negativity is a poor choice for my life.

I choose to be hopeful, positive, and optimistic.

Today, I maintain a positive...

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Yes ...its time...Top 10 Habits to Master:

Aug 04, 2019

It all starts and ends with you. 

Top 10 Habits to Master:

  1. Meditation
  2. Reading / Learning
  3. Learn from your mistakes
  4. Maintain a vision of the future
  5. Eat a healthy diet and engage in regular exercise
  6. Control impulses
  7. Listen
  8. Create a to-do list
  9. Be a finisher
  10. Get up early 

The reason you fail and so did I....

3 Components of Every Habit:

  1. The Cue
  2. The Habit Itself
  3. The Reward

Believe me as cliche...just try...

Steps to Create and Sustain a Habit:

  1. Make a list of the habits you’d most like to create
  2. Limit yourself to one habit at a time
  3. Find a cue that will work for you
  4. Start small
  5. Build your habit
  6. Reward yourself
  7. Be persistent

This is your decision. Pleas comments and text me...this is life change. You already know it. will you do it?

Steps to Break a Bad Habit:

  1. Limit yourself to one habit at a time
  2. Be happy with progress
  3. Understand your triggers
  4. Interrupt or avoid the cues that trigger your habit
  5. When you feel yourself triggered, stop - interrupt the pattern
  6. Determine...
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You Have Been Rejected - Now What

Aug 03, 2019

Sometimes, you might wonder whether others actually like or believe in you. You might feel scared about meeting new people, taking on a new project at work, or getting together with old friends. This is a normal part of being human, even spiritual. But you can defend yourself of these worries. It's like going to gym. It takes practice to know that rejection is part of the process and builds you.

A good friend of mine told me once that you don't grow on the mountain top, its is in the valley and trouble where we grow. -Michale Mishoe

So what are some exercises? Offense with rejection.

Use these proven strategies to banish those fears:

  • Figure out what, specifically, you’re afraid of
  • Feel the fear, face your concerns, and move forward with others anyway
  • Let go of others’ responses to you
  • Dispute your fear with facts. Acknowledge that there are times when you performed well or made a great impression.
  • Try displaying some of the pleasant characteristics that draw you to...
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Top 10 Simple Truths That Will Set You Free

Jul 29, 2019

My business partner of 13 years used to always tell me...a few simple truths....Like, "Rob we are not brain surgeons. Nothing we are going to do will kill someone", "Closings make all problems go away"..are two.

So now here are some more that I hope help you on this day...let's call them the top 10.

Life isn’t as complicated or as scary as you might think. With just a few, simple truths, you can make your life a lot easier, more productive, and more enjoyable.

Most of us are worried about things that don’t matter. If we could see the reality of the situation, we’d worry a lot less.

We’re also making life more challenging than it needs to be.

Change your perspective with these simple truths, and your life will change, too:

1. The Universe doesn’t care. Sometimes it seems like the sun, the moon, and the stars are plotting against you, but it’s simply not true. The universe doesn’t play favorites. It doesn’t care. It’s up to...

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Regret is Knocking - Start Living Your Dream Today

Jul 27, 2019

I really was thinking about you today. As I was unpacking boxes from our move from Florida to Tennessee, I had this thought that every item I was pulling out was a piece of dreams being fulfilled. Then my heart hurt for a moment thinking about everyone that is right now, not living their dream. That regret is filling their life. I put down the box and had to put this together. I implore you don't let Monday come without you having written out your dream and shared it with someone else. Now...lets unpack how to do that...

Why are you in a holding mode? People everywhere seem to be waiting for something to happen before they can begin living their dream. This is a mistake. Now is the time to begin making things happen.

You might be short on time or money, but there are still things you can do to get started. Let today be the day you start to make your dreams come true!

Use these tips to begin living your dream:

  1. Realize that life gets shorter each day. It’s easy to believe that...
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RESILIENCE:7 Skills you need to walk through life with Strength

Jul 25, 2019

Make no mistake you are at war. At war with the world and yourself. You are fighting battles everyday to be the Best Version Of You. That means you need to be resilient and find inner and outside strength. In my journey, I am always seeking to fill my cup with those things that strengthen me. For me that is a lot of my faith, but for others it could be anything from meditation, to educating yourself, surrounding yourself with those you entire combination of things. But when it's go time it has to be you. And your resilience and strength. Especially as an entrepreneur. It is not for the weak and thin skinned. Here are 7 skills that you should consider working on. 

Are you looking for the skills to get through tough times? Do you want to learn how to better manage your thoughts, actions, and life? Resilience is a skill that can be learned and cultivated. If you want to develop this skill, you can do so by applying new concepts to the small ways in which you live out...

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Jul 24, 2019

Be a Leader, Not a Boss


Being a leader requires a servants heart and mindset. You are there to serve the organization and you team. That means every issues, fire, concern, problem, challenge is yours just as much as it is your teams. At the end of the day the buck stops with you.

At the same time you are to serve that same team for all the wins, milestones, goals met and battles won.

It cracks me up when people say, "well wait till I am the boss or the CEO?" I was that person in my 20s. Then I actually lead people across the nation and then owned my own business for 13 years and starting a new one. The paradigm shift for me was the minute I started serving others, everything came to me and I didn’t chase anything.

The following is a deeper dive and unpacking in more detail, but I hope you just take away…BE A SERVANT FIRST.

Do you consider yourself a leader or a boss? This question doesn’t just apply to the workplace,...

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Create Your Own Life Philosophy and Live it

Jul 23, 2019

Create Your Own Life Philosophy and Live it

I love our BRAND. ThE Lion SHEILD and THE acronym ROYI. (Return On YOU Investment) Every successful brand has a vision, mission and goals that when mixed together like batter for a cake, you end up with brands philosophy. 

What I love about a pride of lions is that they are clear on their philosophy. Life is all about the pride and no single lion. They are better together and they live it out. Do you have your philosophy. IN my coaching and development groups we spend a lot of time making vision, mission and goals clear. As they are the ingredients for a successful philosophy. Let us spend some time on this together. 

Maybe you’ve been living the American dream. You have an attractive spouse, a nice house and car, two kids, and a membership at the country club, yet you’re strangely dissatisfied.

Maybe the American dream isn’t your dream. How can one version of how to live life appeal to everyone?...

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How to Handle Life's Most Common Frustrations

Jul 21, 2019

How to Handle Life's Most Common Frustrations

Sorry about the studio and not all our equipment.

Please watch this short video and grab your sword of gratitude!

Life can feel like one frustration after another. Most of the frustrations you deal with are dealt with by everyone. Being human is largely a universal experience, so there are plenty of ideas floating around about how to deal with the frustrations that frequently appear in life.

While all frustrations can’t be completely eliminated, they can be greatly minimized.

Consider these common frustrations:

  1. The inability to control yourself. This is perhaps the most common frustration of all. Whether you want to follow a diet, get to the gym each day, clean out the garage, pay your bills, save money, or stop staying up late watching TV, it can be extremely frustrating when you can’t control yourself.
    • Be clear on why you want to take or avoid a specific action. Why do you want to go to the gym? What do you...
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