PRE REOLL Question to help you... In your branding. What do you think about this image? Please leave a comment. Now on we go.
My hope is that Day 1 and 2 of the 5 Day Public Speaking Challenge has been helpful. Day 3 is the fun one...At least for me. I love going OFF script. I call it "Going SNL". Saturday Night Live. Why? Because the SNL crew of actors practice and rehearse all week, then they go live. YES LIVE. Think about that. They know the points they want to hit, but they are also ok with improv, feeling the moment, showing emotion when it feels right with the audience and other actors. Its ok to go off script, but there are things you must do to be ready for those moments.
Welcome to day #3 of the public speaking challenge. Did you practice varying your tone and speed yesterday? Be honest. It's only you that you are hurting by not investing in you.
Today we’re going to be talking about how to go off script from your speech. This is important.
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