Your Struggle Can Be A Gift - Mine Has been

Sep 12, 2019

Speaker 1: (00:01)
[MUSIC] Robert Barber

Speaker 2: (00:05)
from the return on you investment academy, which our mission is every day is to help you be the best version of you. And I've been running for the last couple of days a public speaking challenge. So we've gone through three days. There's two days left. So it's five days in total. And I'm saving day four and five for tomorrow and the next day. But tonight I just wanted to bring a little value to you because I was traveling and I'm dealing with some family stuff and hey, you know, life life happens. And um, one of the things that I think that is most important about this academy is that we begin to connect and create a community that we can share things together. But, you know, anyway, so that's another thing. So what do I have for you tonight? Because my mission is to bring you value and our academy's mission is to bring you value. And one of the things that I was so surprised with during my travels today was this little book,...

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Day 3 Speaking Challenge Going Off Script

Sep 10, 2019

PRE REOLL Question to help you... In your branding. What do you think about this image? Please leave a comment. Now on we go.

My hope is that Day 1 and 2 of the 5 Day Public Speaking Challenge has been helpful. Day 3 is the fun one...At least for me. I love going OFF script. I call it "Going SNL". Saturday Night Live. Why? Because the SNL crew of actors practice and rehearse all week, then they go live. YES LIVE. Think about that. They know the points they want to hit, but they are also ok with improv, feeling the moment, showing emotion when it feels right with the audience and other actors. Its ok to go off script, but there are things you must do to be ready for those moments.

Welcome to day #3 of the public speaking challenge. Did you practice varying your tone and speed yesterday? Be honest. It's only you that you are hurting by not investing in you.

Today we’re going to be talking about how to go off script from your speech. This is important.

Success Factor:

Have you...

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Speaking Challenge Day 2 Adding Flavor To Delivery

Sep 09, 2019

Welcome to day #2 of the public speaking challenge. We focused on confronting your fears and visualizing your success yesterday. Did you do your homework?

Today we’re going to be thinking through adding flavor to your delivery.


One of the BIGGEST struggles people have in public speaking is mixing up their TONE and SPEED.

You know what I’m talking about. They sound like Ferris Bueller’s teacher: boring, monotone, and endlessly repetitive.

On the flip side, the most successful speakers constantly mix up their tone and speed. They speak loud and soft, fast and slow. They race through some sentences and SLOW down to emphasize other points.

If you only use a single tone and speed, you will quickly BORE people and they will tune you out. After a while, the only person listening will be you!

That’s why it’s absolutely critical to change things up. Keep people on their toes so they listen and pay attention.

This is one of the public...

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Speaking Challenge Day 1 Confronting your Fears and Visualizing Success

Sep 08, 2019

Are you ready to make an impact, shake things up, tell your wonderful story as you are on purpose in this world? Let's work through how to do that together. With a 5 day challenge.

Welcome to Day #1 of the public speaking challenge. Throughout this challenge, we’re going to be using Abraham Lincoln’s famous Gettysburg Address as our practice speech. You can find it here.

If you have your own speech you’d like to use, you can do that as well.

Today we’re going to talk about confronting your fears and visualizing success.



Let’s talk about fear for a second. Almost EVERYONE gets nervous when speaking in front of an audience. Heck we spend more time on picking the right font when we just write something,

And frankly, it can be pretty scary. You’re in front of others, trying to be powerful, authoritative, and insightful. It’s easy to be intimidated! Even if around friends you care about.

The first step is to...

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13 Ways to Recharge Without Taking a Vacation

Aug 30, 2019

Not everyone has the time nor the finances to run off for a vacation over Labor Day or many other holidays throughout the year. Take hope, there are some strategies you can use to take mini vacations that will help protect your health and recharge your batteries. And no I am not talking about sending the kids to the grandparents. These are strategies that are focused on you and things you can control. So lets dive in...

If you're like most working adults, chances are you're shortchanging yourself on vacation days. In today's growing gig economy, many professionals have no vacation benefits.

Even if you have a traditional staff position, you may feel like your boss discourages you from using your leave time. Plus, you may be concerned about being replaced if you spend too many hours away from the office.

Yet, vacations have been proven to be beneficial to both employers and employees.

Taking a break from work increases productivity and prevents burnout.

While there's no substitute...

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Discover The Power of Taking Chances

Aug 27, 2019

Have you ever been faced with a life question, of "Do I Go ALL IN?' If not then start looking for those chances. 

One of the best ways to make positive changes to your life is to take more risks. Life is more exciting and rewarding when you’re willing to put yourself out there and take a few chances. Plus, successful people take more risks than unsuccessful people.

With a little practice, you’ll find that taking a chance or two adds immeasurably to your life.

Consider these benefits of taking a chance and reap the power it gives you:

1. Taking chances enables you to move beyond your comfort zone. Nothing ever changes if you don’t do something new. It’s not easy to force yourself to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable, but it’s necessary if you want to experience growth in your life. Imagine the new adventures you can have!

2. Taking chances gives you power over yourself. Most people are risk-averse. It’s not in our genetic...

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How and Why Others (YOU) Try to Hold You Back From Success

Aug 26, 2019


Do you have rituals? Habits? That you purposeful select to make your day what you want? 

During that time think about the people in your life. Are they helpng making you a "better version of you"?

When you’re trying to change your life, there will be people that feel the need to get in your way. A few of them might actually believe they’re trying to help you, but they’re not. They want you to stay just the way you are. That way, they can feel comfortable about not improving themselves, too.

It’s frustrating to find out that few people are on your side, but it’s something that must be managed if you want to succeed.

See how others may try to derail your success:

1. They point out your past failures. We’ve all failed numerous times in the past. Some people in your life will undoubtedly bring up those failures in an attempt to sabotage your efforts.

Suppose you decide you want to climb all the 14,000-foot+ peaks in the US. You might be...

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Deliberate Practice for Beginners

Aug 23, 2019

Had a meeting yesterday as I was searching for a vendor that may be interested in help[ing me with a project. I explained the goals of the project and what we were asking of them. The first thing that came out of there mouth is what is in it for us? I knew then, the relationship would not be good business wise. 

Why because the ask was just for a small portion of time from time to time, that would benefit them and us. Not forever, but at least to start. They were not able to see the longterm until much later in the meeting, but by then I could see their mindset was not one that would make a good partner. You never lead with whats in it for me, its always what value can I provide. Then two things will happen, your value will make you invaluable or worse case scenario you gain further practice in your craft and take it somewhere else. Practicing your craft even if it cost you upfront and it will, in the long game it will make you better and therefore invaluable. 

In this...

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Life Is A Relay Race With Chris Dew

Aug 21, 2019 . Go now!

There are times in your life when you meet someone and they have a profound impact on you, because you allow yourself to be vulnerable. That vulnerability is not of you, but of the interaction. A few years ago, I met Chris Dew. And I can tell you I became vulnerable and better for it. In this Vlog interview for the ROYI Academy, we wanted to bring to you a perspective of challenge, persistence, victory and still a RELAY journey. ROYI Academy's entire focus is for you to be the best version of you. Not me, not Chris or anyone else. YOU. Chris has an incredible life story that is worth sharing and we wanted to share it with you. Get ready for an impact time. Please close off everything else going on for you in the next 38 minutes. Put the phone in another room, tell others to not distract you and even put in headphones. This is that important. Focus. In our upcoming book, CEO FOR LIFE, we talk about focus.

Please focus on this story. ...

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The Dangers of Comparing Yourself to Others

Aug 20, 2019

Starting a new business, this can actually be a huge burden, the comparison game. Instead of being focused on your goals and your efforts you are comparing yourself to the competition or others. Well, you are NOT others. You are you. Yes there are successful plans you can emulate, but not at the risk of you not being you and putting that ingredient into your success. When I started my coaching academy, I researched a ton of academies, online offerings, coaches, and speakers. I still follow a few I respect. But once I was done with that initial comparison and research, I set out to be and create what I was passion about and fit me.

Comparing yourself to others is a reliable way to reduce your confidence, motivation, and self-esteem. It must be natural to make these types of comparisons, because nearly everyone does it. However, that doesn’t mean it’s a good move.

If you want to become the best possible you, avoid comparing yourself to others.

The Dangers

There are several...

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