Ask These BIG Questions Before Changing Careers

Mar 03, 2022

I've made several big career changes in my life. Began my professional life as an engineer and moved into human resources in labor relations. Then I left my corporate position of 13 years to go into entrepreneurship as a commercial real estate broker and developer. Then moved into three serial entrepreneur ship opportunities moving from auctions, to building a procurement and investment organization, and then a retail brokerage organization with 13 officers and 225 agents. Finally, as of today into building a coaching organization.

With each major shift there were a myriad of questions that needed to be asked and diligence that needed to be done in order to determine if this was the right move or not. Here are some questions that you can use in order to get to why you're feeling like a career change now.

1. Do I want a career change or just a new job?

There are a few things to consider before choosing any major life decision. Unhappiness from job may not always mean you're in the...

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HOW TO Make A Career Change at 30

Mar 02, 2022


How to Make a Career Change at 30

Are you fed up in your current job? Perhaps feeling undervalued or overworked? If that sounds like you, perhaps you need a career change.

This is a big step, but unless you want to become a professional sportsperson, there is no reason why you cannot make a career change at 30.

Do You Really Want to Change Careers?

When you first decide to change careers, you will likely have to start from the bottom rung of the ladder, with a drop in pay. Are you willing and financially able to deal with these changes?

Ask yourself these questions before you take the plunge:

What do you hate about your current job? What attracts you to another job?
Do you enjoy anything about your current job? What led you to your current career?

Once you answer these questions, you’ll get a better idea of what skills you have, plus what skills you need to pursue your dream job.

Tips to Help Change Careers:

1. Look at your professional and personal...

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This Is How Successful People Manage Their Time

Mar 01, 2022

Time Management Self-Assessment

Do you rush from one task to the next without feeling like you’ve accomplished much by the end of the day? Taking control of how you spend your time could make you more productive and reduce your stress.

You can start by evaluating where you are now and identifying simple changes that will keep you one step ahead. Check each statement that currently applies to you.

Planning and Organizing:

  •  I clarify my priorities.

  •  I set challenging and realistic goals.

  •  I keep a to-do list of tasks and projects.

  •  I evaluate my progress regularly.

  •  I take refreshing breaks during work.

  •  I track my time. I can accurately estimate how long it takes me to do most things.

  •  I batch similar tasks together, so I can complete them more efficiently.

  •  I design my workspace for maximum productivity. I keep files and objects I use frequently within reach. I minimize clutter. 


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52 Ways to Dramatically Transform Your Life

Feb 28, 2022


52 Ways to Dramatically Transform Your Life

Worksheet and Checklist

Even if you want to change everything about your life, you’ll have greater success if you change one thing at a time. You might be in a hurry, but it’s a more effective way than making multiple changes at once.

Making small changes can give big results! Give it a try and see for yourself.

Answer these questions to gain a better perspective of how to make small changes that will bring you the results you want in your life:

1. How would I describe my finances? What changes in my behavior do I need to make in order to achieve my financial goals?

2. How would I describe my health and fitness? What changes in my behavior do I need to make in order to achieve my goals in these areas?

3. What are my top five goals? What habits should I eliminate to have a better chance of attaining these goals?

4. What is my single, most important goal for the next 12 months? Why?

5. In what areas...

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CEO FOR LIFE Experience #25 Live Your Truth with David Brier (leadership styles)

Feb 07, 2022
Paratus Consulting
CEO FOR LIFE Experience #25 Live Your Truth with David Brier (leadership styles)

Robert Barber 0:10
Well, hey, everybody. Thanks for coming back to the CEO for Life Experience podcast. And I have David Brier here with me today. And he was gracious enough to jump on. I've been stalking him for a while guys. So I just want to let you know. So let me just read real quick of why I had to get David on here. So Google's number one rebranding experts, Slayer of the mundane liberate, or the awesome advisor to CEOs. You know, I could just go on and on. But just I had a little precursor time to talk to him. And he is a force to be reckoned with David, thanks for coming on.

David Brier 0:43
Totally My pleasure, man. Totally. My pleasure.

Robert Barber 0:45
Sweet. So let's always start with just maybe like, a minute or two of context. So people listening to get to know you just a little bit.

David Brier 0:53
Sure. Well, I mean, I'm going to use what I actually do you know, rich Cardona. Yeah. Rich, you know, Rich. Yeah, yeah. These rich, rich, rich and I were on a clubhouse...

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CEO FOR LIFE Experience #50 The Importance Of Sharing Your Genius with Kevin Jackson

Feb 03, 2022
Paratus Consulting
CEO FOR LIFE Experience #50 The Importance Of Sharing Your Genius with Kevin Jackson

Robert Barber 0:10
everybody, thanks for coming back to the CEO for life experience, podcast, blog, whatever they're calling it these days. And I am, as we always almost is it, Kevin, at every podcast, it's like, I'm so excited about my guests, right?

Kevin Jackson 0:27
It's Trump sometimes it sounds kind of fake. But in reality, on the I'm on podcasts on every guest, I learned so much about not just the person about but about myself and about life and about society. So every time I'm really excited, but I digress.

Robert Barber 0:47
But seriously, just like Kevin said, this is going to be an exceptional 3035 minutes. So we get to spend with Kevin Jackson. So just real quick, you know, Kevin Jackson, I'm going to link all the information on how to get in touch with Kevin either above or below. But if you go through his LinkedIn profile, which I stalked heavily, tremendous career accomplishments, done a ton, part of Wall Street Journal, and in New York Times best selling book,...

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3 Steps to Improving Communication as a Leader

Sep 28, 2021
Paratus Consulting
3 Steps to Improving Communication as a Leader

Communication is the lifeblood of leadership. It's what separates leadership from dictatorship or leadership styles that are too authoritarian. There are many ways to improve your communication as a leader, but here are three important ones to get you started.


Asking questions instead of telling


Of course it's important for you to tell people what they should do and how they should do it, but real improvement only occurs when people understand why they're doing something, not just how it needs to be done. Often times leaders will give an order or direction with no explanation as to why or under what circumstances the plan was created in the first place. People need context and links with past events if they're going to improve upon them so asking questions rather than telling is a great way to improve communication.


Being open about your own thoughts and feelings


We often think that when we're in meetings or talking with someone, the only thing they care...

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7 Simple Tips to Develop Greater Mental Clarity

Dec 15, 2020

Now that the vaccine has arrived on scene, the conversation is moving. Moving toward what I believe are just as serious impacts as the virus itself. The virus of mental health and strength. I have been focusing on this talk with all my clients. What are they doing to keep their mental health at a high level? So thought to share some ideas. Let's start with the topic of Clarity.

Ability to think clearly and accurately will never be overrated. Many of us walk around distracted or practically in a daze. This can be due to a variety of factors, including poor diet, a lack of sleep, or even a lack of understanding ourselves and our values.

We live lives full of distractions that vie for our attention. Being more clear-headed can increase the level of success you enjoy and your overall sense of wellbeing.

Try these tips to enjoy greater mental clarity:

1. Start with your diet. Caffeine, sugar, and all the chemicals found in processed foods can work against mental clarity. No one likes to...

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A 5-Minute Guide on How to Talk with Yourself

Dec 01, 2020

With the limits being put on outside our close sphere of interaction, I am hearing from more and more clients and peers, that self talk is becoming an issue. People are spending a whole lot more time in their head as escapism begins to become boring or new content running out. Then there is the limited people interaction. So I thought to put some work into self talk. It is time to become real aware of this and how it will impact you. 

The way you talk with yourself can make a big difference in your happiness and health. You can put obstacles in your way, or you can empower yourself to achieve more.

Self-talk is what psychologists call the inner dialogue you carry on with yourself. It’s usually filled with conscious and subconscious beliefs that started in your childhood.

It’s also a habit that you can reprogram if you want different results. You can convince yourself that you’re inadequate or you can remind yourself that you have the potential to learn and...

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Make A Decision

Nov 03, 2019

Last week, I spent more than a normal amount of time on discussions with my clients about the topic of just "Starting". So much so that it really sat with me this weekend. With that said, wanted to drop a quick video and some strategies that can help with indecision. If you can't even get off the starting line how can we work on you being the best version of you, let alone the CEO FOR LIFE. Do you sometimes have trouble making up your mind? Indecision can hold you back from personal and professional success. You may miss valuable opportunities and add to your daily stress. While indecision shows up in many ways, there are usually only a few root causes.

Take a look at 3 of the most common obstacles and how to overcome them.

Obstacle One - Pleasing Others Do you automatically go along with what others want or do you stand up for your own needs? Learning how to advocate for yourself will help you to make decisions that are consistent with your values and goals.

Try these tips:


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